11 year old girl steals the show at Keith Urban concert
I wasn't expecting she were this good, incredible voice.
Kenny Fernandez

Everyone’s favourite Kiwi, Australian, American superstar is back with another viral video where he made someone’s dream came true.

That’s right ladies and gents, Keith Urban is the topic of the day and this video is sure to put a smile on your face!

Mr. Urban brings eleven-year-old Lauren Spencer-Smith on stage during a live concert!


Keith is famous for being one of the nice guys of the music industry!

He’s really down to earth and frequently shows his fans how much he appreciates their love and support!

He has also had a really interesting life, thanks to his long, illustrious career in music. He’s certainly a rarity considering his superstar status and how humble he has remained. He’s never had to say he’s one of the best, people say it for him!


Honestly, Keith hasn’t always had an easy life and that’s exactly why he’s emerged so much stronger, so much better!

He worked hard for his career and even at his lowest points he’s always managed to crawl out of the hole and make it back to the top.


From the struggles of a starving artist, begging to be heard at the beginning of his career, to dealing with substance abuse issues in the ’90s, Urban has had more than his fair share of difficulties.

He was born in New Zealand, and grew up in Australia where he started his music career.


He released his first album in Australia in 1991, when he was just 24 years old, which was quite successful! But his troubles began when he moved to the USA in ’92.

Keith’s cool, funky accent and long hair wasn’t winning him any fans in Nashville.


In an interview with Rolling Stone, Urban explained his mindset at the time:

“I felt like I was meant to be here, I had this absolute burning belief, but I was out of step with everything. I mean, what do you do when you’re doing your best and it’s not enough? I had no plan for that.”

It took Keith until 1999 to find success with his musical career in The States.


Except of course, when he finally did, he absolutely boomed. He has gone platinum, topped charts and won awards! His career is the kind of thing people dream about.

People like Lauren Spencer-Smith to be specific.

Keith’s tough life and phoenix-like reemergence as a sweetheart aligned with Lauren’s stars and created a magical moment for her. At a massive live concert Urban was putting on,

Lauren was brought on stage by Keith to sing a song with him!


Lucky for us, the entire thing was caught on film and put on the internet by Lauren’s YouTube channel!

She’s only eleven at the time of the video and her voice is spectacular!


Lauren is sixteen now, and she is growing up to be a booming musical artist!

She’s releasing music, has a huge following on Instagram (168 THOUSAND followers!) and has performed on American Idol now!


The song Lauren and Keith cover onstage is Bob Dylan’s “Make You Feel My Love” which was also covered by Adele!

It’s a fantastic choice considering it can show off Lauren’s skills so well, and

it’s written by one of the greatest song writers to ever live!

I can only assume Adele is a huge inspiration for Lauren considering her vocal style and the fact that she has an Adele poster in her room!


One of my favorite details about Lauren? She’s Canadian! (Represent.)

She’s from British Columbia on the west coast of Canada, and was even the first Canadian to make it into the Top 20 on American Idol, a huge badge of honor!

Despite not winning the competition, Lauren holds her head up high.


In a social media post, Lauren wrote:

“I’m so appreciative of everyone who took the time to vote and tune into the show. Although some might say this is a huge disappointment it is a huge accomplishment for me and all of my friends who were part of the top 20! I’m so proud of us all.”

And she’s still so young, she’s still 8 years younger than Keith was when he made his first album!


Lauren is definitely someone to keep your eye on, she’s insanely talented and she has such a good attitude, she’s sure to succeed!

And I mean, when she has Keith Urban backing her, who’s going to disagree with me?

Be sure to watch the video of a young Lauren’s performance below to hear the talent for yourself, I can’t recommend it enough. It will blow your mind!

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